Write a Letter.
Change a Life.

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AI 56 History

Ottawa for human rights: yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Amnesty International started out in the 1960’s with a beautifully simple idea; that anybody could speak out in defence of others who were unjustly imprisoned or denied their freedom of expression, just by sitting down and writing a letter; and that if enough people did this, it would make a difference.

The idea caught on and spread rapidly from the UK, where it originated. People everywhere loved the idea of standing up for each other in such a straightforward way. Ottawa became home to Group 5, one of the first community groups in Canada. They met monthly at the Quaker meeting house on Fourth Ave.

Amnesty International won The Nobel Peace Prize in 1977, raising the movement’s profile and bringing lots of new participants to local groups. One long-term member remembers Group 5 meetings in the early 1980’s being so busy that people would be standing in the hall.

This enthusiasm led to the formation of a second Amnesty group in Ottawa in 1982. Group 56 is based in Sandy Hill, where a letter-writing circle at St. Joseph’s Church was ready to expand into a community group that could take on long-term work for adopted prisoners of conscience.

The two community groups remained active for many years, working together often and offering people in Ottawa a choice of meeting times and places. In 2006 Ottawa’s two groups amalgamated, and Group 56 is still active today.

Strategies for fighting injustice have changed tremendously in the last 40 years. Telegrams and faxes have made way for email and social media of all sorts. Amnesty members can now join virtual teams and work with others in faraway communities.

Letter-writing remains a reliable tool, though, that Group 56 still uses to advocate for the protection of individuals or communities whose human rights have been denied. Last year on December 10th, International Human Rights Day, the group hosted Write for Rights at Arlington Five, a local coffee shop in Ottawa.

We welcome new members. You do not need to have previous experience with human rights or Amnesty International to get involved.

Check out our upcoming events to participate. You may just find yourself sticking around for a few decades!

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