Amnesty International Canadian Section (English-Speaking) is seeking interested and qualified members to join our Board of Directors and to do the important governance work that keeps our organization healthy and able to carry out its human rights work. 
 We are also seeking qualified candidates to participate in Amnesty’s global governance structures as a member of our 2026 Global Assembly Delegation. 


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Amnesty’s annual Write for Rights event

312 Laurier Ave E 312 Laurier Ave E, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Amnesty's annual Write for Rights event is happening on December 7th at the Amnesty Ottawa-Gatineau office and on December 8th at Arlington Five Coffee House! Come celebrate Human Rights Day […]

Amnesty’s annual Write for Rights event

Arlington Five coffee house (5 Arlington Avenue) 5 Arlington Ave, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Amnesty's annual Write for Rights event is happening on December 7th at the Amnesty Ottawa-Gatineau office and on December 8th at Arlington Five Coffee House! Come celebrate Human Rights Day by writing letters that could change lives.

Monthly Community Activist Gathering

312 Laurier Ave E 312 Laurier Ave E, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Members from all local AI groups (AI 56, AI Francophone, AI UOttawa, fieldworkers, AI HQ staff) and members of the general public are invited to attend a monthly community gathering […]

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